Professor Kevin Petrie MA(RCA) PhD
National Teaching Fellow
2021-2 Turps Painters Correspondence Course
2010 National Teaching Fellow. The Higher Education Academy
2001 Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education. University of Sunderland
1999 PhD, Water-based ceramic transfer printing – The development and creative use of a new on-glaze screenprinting system. Centre for Fine Print Research, University of the West of England, Bristol
1995 MA Ceramics and Glass, The Royal College of Art, London
1993 BA (Hons) Illustration, University of Westminster
Selected Exhibitions
2024 Web of Life: New Prints by Kevin Petrie (solo). Iris Murdoch Archive Kingston University
2024 Summer Open Exhibition 2024. Gallagher & Turner, Newcastle
2023 Small but Mighy. Bankside Gallery, London
2023 Other Journeys – Paintings and Drawing by Kevin Petrie (solo). The Gallery. Gateshead Central Library
2022 Washington Open Exhibition 2022: Spotlight. Arts Centre Washington
2022 Open Exhibition 2022. Gallagher & Turner, Newcastle
2021 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog – An exhibition of 93 Turps Correspondence Course artists. Presented by Cohort.Art
2022 Sucker Succour. ‘The Sunderland Pavilion at the Wrong Biennale’, The Priestman Gallery, Sunderland
2020 Northern Lights. The Wall North Contemporary (online)
2020 Hot New It. Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens, Sunderland. Curated by the Spaghetti Factory
2019 Mass. Breeze Creatives. Newcastle
2019 City by the Sea. A surfboard design commission for The Beam, Sunderland
2019 Journeys – Painted Reliefs by Kevin Petrie (Solo). National Glass Centre, Sunderland
2019 NGC21. National Glass Centre, Sunderland
2017 2017 Hangzhou International Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition. China Academy of Art (CAA), College of Crafts CAA, Crafts Museum of CAA, China
2016 Drawing – An Expressive Gesture with the advantage of permanence. National Glass Centre
2015 British Glass Biennale. Ruskin Glass Centre, Stourbridge
2010 Glass North East. Houses of Parliament, London
2010 Eisch Gallery, Frauenue, Germany
2009 Glass Echoes2, The Crypt, St Pancreas Church, London
2008/9 Kevin Petrie Three drawings. Baron House, Newcastle.
2008 Wearside – Drawings by Kevin Petrie (Solo). St Peter’s Chapter House, Monkwearmouth
2008 Times Lines – Kevin Petrie Drawings on Glass and Paper (Solo). The twin Churches of St Peter’s, Monkwearmouth and St Paul’s, Jarrow and Bede’s World Museum of Saxon Life
2008 British Glass Biennale. Ruskin Glass Centre, Stourbridge
National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
National Glass Centre, Sunderland, UK
The Parallel Media Group, London
North Lands Creative Glass, Scotland
Dan Klein and Alan Poole, London
Anla Glas, Denmark
Espace Verre, Montreal, Canada
Sacriston Health Centre, County Durham, UK
Private Collections
Books featuring Kevin Petrie’s artworks
Cane, K. (2013) Making and Drawing. London: A&C Black (Publishers) Ltd
Cummings, C. (2009) Contemporary Kiln Formed Glass. London; A&C Black (Publishers) Ltd and USA: University of Pennsylvania Press
Scott, P. (2004) Ceramics and Print. London: A&C Black (Publishers) Ltd and USA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2nd Ed
Matieu, P. (2003) Sex Pots, Eroticism in Ceramics. London: A&C Black (Publishers) Ltd
Hoskins, S. (2001) Water-based Screenprinting. London: A&C Black (Publishers) Ltd
Scott, P. (2001) Painted Clay Graphic Arts & the Ceramic Surface. London: A&C Black (Publishers) Ltd
Exhibition curation
2013 Erwin Eisch. Clouds have been my foothold all along. National Glass Centre. Curated with Julia Stephenson
2012 Kith and Kin II – New Glass and Ceramics. National Glass Centre. Curated with Prof Peter Davies
2011 Kith and Kin – New Glass and Ceramics. National Glass Centre. Curated with Prof Peter Davies
Publications: Authored books
Petrie, K. (2011) Ceramic Transfer Printing. London: A&C Black Ltd and Ohio: American Ceramic Circle
Petrie, K. (2006) Glass and Print. London: A&C Black and Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press USA
Publications: Edited books
Livingstone, A and Petrie, K. (2017) Ceramics: A Reader. Bloomsbury Academic
Publications: Book chapters and essays
Petrie, K. (2021) ‘Reflections on the art of Erwin Eisch’. In: Erwin Eisch – Heaven starts on Earth. Exhibition Catalogue. Wasmer Art Gallery, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA
Hayes, Catherine, Hinshaw, Kim and Petrie, Kevin (2017) ‘Reconceptualising Medical Curriculum Design in Strategic Clinical Leadership Training for 21st Century Physicians’. In: Preparing Physicians to Lead in the Twenty First Century. IGI Global, USA
Livingstone, A., Petrie, K., Sarmiento, S., and Watkinson, C. (2015) ‘Real World Student Experience at Masters level in Art and Design: Case Studies from Glass and Ceramics’, in: Kneale, P. (Ed), Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Issues in Design and Delivery. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
Petrie, K. (2013) ‘Craft Design’, in: Rutherford, S. and Bartholomew, J., (Eds), The Design Students Handbook. Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited
Petrie, K. (2013) ‘Blending approaches to teaching in art and design: case studies from glass and ceramics’, in: Bilham, T (Ed), For the love of learning: Innovations from outstanding university teachers. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
Petrie, K. (2012) ‘Windows onto our world – Erwin Eisch and Printmaking from Glass’, in: Eisch-Angus, K. Kohl, I., Schrott, K., and the Erwin & Gretel Eisch Foundation. (Eds), Erwin Eisch: Wolken waren schon immer mein letzter Halt. Glas und Bilder /Erwin Eisch: Clouds have been my foothold all along. Glass and Paintings. Munich: Hirmer [In German and English]
Petrie, K. (2007) ‘Glass and Print – Precedents, Meanings and Perspectives’, in: Davies, P., (Ed), Glass – North East. Sunderland: Arts Editions North
Publications: Journal articles
Petrie, K. (2019) ‘On Glass, in Glass, of Glass: Some Developments in the Combination of Glass and Printmaking’. MDPI Arts, 8 (1). ISSN 2076-0752
Hannam, K., Thompson, F., and Petrie, K., (2012) ‘Producing Ceramic Art Works Through Tourism Research’. Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (1). pp. 336-360. ISSN 0160-7383
Petrie, K. (2011) ‘Printmaking for Ceramics and Glass – Intersections & Counterpoints’. in: IMPACT 7 – International Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking Conference, Monash University, Caulfield (Victoria), Australia
Petrie, K. (2011) ‘Creative Glass Research: Case studies from art and design’. Glass Technology – European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A. 52 (1), 1-10
Petrie, K. (2011) ‘Ceramic Transfer Printing’. Ceramic Review
Petrie, K and Sarmiento, J. (2010) ‘Enhancing student experience: two case studies for integrating, energizing and challenging students in art and design’. International Journal of Learning. Vol 16 no 12. ISSN: 1447-9494
Petrie, K. (2007) ‘Parallels and Connections: Emerging Trends in Ceramics and Glass Design Research’. in: International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Petrie, K. (2005) ‘Glass and Print: Historical precedent and contemporary Developments’. Glass Art Society Journal. p. 78-80. ISSN 0278-9426
Petrie, K. (2007) ‘Glass and Print: An appreciation of the combination of printmaking with architectural and flat glass practice. Part II’. Neues Glas/New Glass. p26-31. ISSN 0723 2454. In German and English
Petrie, K. (2006) ‘Through the looking glass: Glass Printing. Kevin Petrie traces the development of printing on glass and looks at the work of four artists working in the field’. Printmaking Today – International magazine of contemporary graphic art. Vol 15 No 1 Spring. p 20-21. ISSN 0960 9253
Petrie, K. (2006) ‘See-through prints: Glass Printing. Kevin Petrie describes a range of new methods for combining printmaking with powdered glass’. Printmaking Today – International magazine of contemporary graphic art. Vol 15 No 3. p 20-21. ISSN 0960 9253
Petrie, K. (2006) ‘Glass and Print: An appreciation of the combination of printmaking with contemporary hot and kiln glass practice. Part I’. Neues Glas/New Glass. p26-31. ISSN 0723 2454. In German and English
Petrie, K. (2004) ‘Integrated Glass Prints’.
Petrie, K. (2002) ‘A Keen Eye. Interview with Helen Joseph, Shipley Museum and Art Gallery’. Ceramic Review No 195
Petrie, K. (2001) ‘Positive Image. Kevin Petrie in practice’. Ceramic Review – The International Magazine of Ceramics. No 191. p 32-35. ISSN 0144-1825
Petrie, K. (1999) ‘Water-based ceramic transfer prints – Kevin Petrie discusses the development and creative use of a new process’. Printmaking Today – Contemporary Graphic Art Worldwide, Vol. 8 No 3 p30-32. ISSN 0960 9253
Petrie, K. (1998) ‘Sister Act’. Artists Newsletter, Jan p16
Petrie, K. (1998) ‘A synergy of Art and Science.’ British Ceramic Transactions, with Anderton et al, Vol. 97 No 4 p 189 –191
Petrie, K. (1997) ‘Mix, Match and Madness – Kevin Petrie describes early transfer printing and its potential for the contemporary artist.’ Ceramics TECHNICAL, No 4 May p 17—25. ISSN 1324-4175
Keynotes and presentations
Petrie, K. (2013) ‘How ceramic transfer printing can change your life! 2nd Print and Clay Symposium. Australia National University, Canberra. Keynote and workshop
Petrie, K. (2011) ‘Blending subjects and the enhancement of postgraduate teaching in glass and ceramics’. Creative Learning and Teaching symposium, Higher Education Academy. National Glass Centre. Keynote speaker
Petrie, K. (2010) ‘Glass and Print: Blending approaches for innovation in creative glass’. Creativity and innovation in Glass conference. British Glass Biennale, University of Wolverhampton. Invited Keynote lecture
Petrie, K. (2010) ‘Glass and the Printed Image: Case Studies from Contemporary Art’. The IMAGE – International Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Petrie, K. (2009) ‘Parallels and Connections: An Introduction’. Parallels and Connections: A Ceramics and Glass Research Student Conference. 18th-20th March, National Glass Centre. IIRG/ University Research Informed teaching Project. Co-Organiser
Petrie, K. (2007) ‘Parallels and Connections: An Introduction’. Parallels and Connections: A Ceramics and Glass Research Student Conference. 1st & 2nd March, National Glass Centre. IIRG/AHRC funded. Co-Organiser
Petrie, K. (2006) ‘Printing onto glass in the creative sector: precedents and emerging perspectives’. Society of Glass Technology European Conference. Co-organiser of the ‘Art meets Science’ strand. Also a session chair
Petrie, K. (2006) ‘Glass and Print: Precedents and perspectives. Glass and Print: An appreciation of the combination of printmaking with contemporary glass practice’. Glass and Print. A one-day IIRG symposium at the Royal College of Art, London 26th Oct 2006. Co-organizer with Prof Martin Smith, RCA
Petrie, K. (2005) ‘Art and Science in Glass and Ceramics – Case studies from the post-graduate art and design sector’ Atoms to Art conference. Manchester City Art Gallery
Petrie, K. (2005) ‘Glass and Print – Precedents, Meanings and Perspectives’. Edge symposium. National Glass Centre
Petrie, K. (2003) ‘Interrogating Objects, The Importance of Handling’, Craft Curators Day. Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Petrie, K. (2001)‘Teaching, Learning and Research for the Creative Professions – Art & Design research – Case Studies and Strategies from the field of Ceramics and Glass’. Rajabhat Institute Suan Sunuanha, Bangkok, Thailand
Logan, A and Petrie, K. (1996) ‘Science and Art in Ceramics’. The Royal Institute, London. Poster presentation in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Sciences, UWE. Winner of best poster
Academic and management roles
2018-present. Head of The School of Art & Design’ – University of Sunderland.
2008-present. Professor of Glass and Ceramics – University of Sunderland
Prior academic experience
2014-2018 Team Leader: Visual Arts– University of Sunderland
2010 – 2014 Team Leader – Glass and Ceramics (and Foundation), University of Sunderland
2014 Programme Leader: BA(Hons) Glass and Ceramics
2003-11 Programme Leader: MA Glass & MA Ceramics
2003-8 Senior Lecturer. University of Sunderland
2001-3 Lecturer 0.6. University of Sunderland
2000-1 0.4 Research Associate (AHRC), University of the West of England
2000 Lecturer in Ceramics 0.4 University of Sunderland
1995-99 Full time PhD student with bursary, University of the West of England
Selected international visiting lecturing and teaching
2019 IACT, Malaysia. Lecture
2012 Sydney College of the Arts, Australia. Lecture
2011 Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Lecture
2011/13 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Lectures and workshops for Glass department
2011/13 China Academy of Art, Hang Zhou, China. Lectures
2011/13 Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, China. Lectures
2010 Bild Werk, International Spring Academy, Frauenau, Germany. Workshop with Mark Angus: Painting and Print for Glass
2009 University of Durham. Vitae event for postgraduate researchers. Careers in Academia in the arts and humanities. Being a successful early career researcher
2008 Denmark Design School, Copenhagen. Lecture
2008 Espace Verre, Montreal, Canada. Master Class for professional artists from Quebec. Glass and Print. Part funded by the Quebec Government
2008 Anla Glas, Denmark. Two Glass and Print Master Classes for Danish professional artists
2007 Hong Kong Baptist University – Academy of Visual Arts. Lecture
2005 Australia National University, Canberra, Australia. Lecture
2001 Rajabhat Institute Changmai, Thailand. Lecture